Rant - Not Wasting My Life
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
In the world I've created for myself, the gray one that doesn't allow extremes, I find myself struggling to raise the bar on the general level of productivity in my life. I'm not asking for the moon here, I don't want to break any land records for work accomplished in a week, just the ability to focus on a task that matters to me without it turning my stomach.
What is it that gives me such amazing stints of accomplishment? Why at times can I be not only focused, but creative or even prolific? What chemical is in my brain that makes it not only possible, but enjoyable?
I haven't felt or seen that for months. That upsets me, as I have some great projects I'm working on that need my attention. My brother Nick and I have a plot summary for some novels we wish to write, and for a while we were doing quite well with character sketches and related shorts -- getting our feet wet so to speak. It was even exciting. Now its drudgery. My friend Greg and I are working on a software project on the side to fill a hole in the project management industry (I was originally going to purchase, but what I needed didn't exist). I've spent about 2 years on some of the subsystems (primarily an enterprise scale data transport layer in c#) and what we have planned is exciting. We are getting close to having something in alpha form. But actually sitting down and working on it? Drudgery.
So, I'll start laying blame. My health isn't the best. I'm tired a lot. I play floor hockey most weeks, but that doesn't seem to be enough. So, I started swimming at the Y in the evenings which seemed to help some, but I slacked off that too. More drudgery, not to mention that I seldom enjoy being in a change room full of testosterone and creatine laden muscle heads casting sidelong glances to add data to their eternal manhood evaluation.
There's also work. I haven't had any real energy for this company since .. well, since back when we believed all the lies. I still do my job, but there's nothing else in it: no more energy, creative breakthroughs, all nighters, or epic team efforts that end in success and praise from above. Sometimes I feel like I drudge so much at work that I just can't bare to do more in my spare time.
And the big finale, WoW. I truly enjoy the game. They've built it so that the smallest accomplishments are rewarding, the biggest ones are more so, and I feel good when that happens. In a way it satisfies much of my need to accomplish. It doesn't help that many of my family and friends play it too and we are sometimes all online together reaping the social rewards collectively. It may be 'just a game' but with the built in chat client (very IRC or Messenger like) the sense of community is very real. My own disgust that comes from how much time I spend playing it is placated by my knowledge of how much more time other people spend watching TV, which is far less mentally stimulating. And the fact that I'm making excuses for myself tells me that, once again, I'm playing it too much.
So what's the resulting solution? I have to suck it up! Excuses are for the weak! I have to get off my ass and do something. I have to take the spike of energy I currently have (the one that prompted this blog entry) and use it to get back on my horse. In the process, I have to set up my environment so that when the spike is gone, my routine and surroundings encourage me to be productive and not waste my time.
I bloody hate the idea.
You'll be happy to know your problem is normal, and even happier to know the solution is simple.
It's all about having a realistic number of healthy priorities that can be realized in a given period of time.
Here's the problem, you seem to have to many perceived obligations, too may needs to achieve and fullfill all at one time, hence to many priorities.
We overwhelm our lives with activities and priorities. We try to achieve results in our life because we are result based people. We thrive on the satisfaction of successfull accomplishments.
Without any priorities we would probably feel useless and irresponsible. But what we fail to see is that having to many priorities has the same effect, it renders us useless, because we feel hopelessly overwhelmed. We never feel the satisifaction.
I'll need to take my own advice in recommending this, but I think you need to decide what you want to focus on from week to week or month to month. Learn to manage your priorities, then you'll start feeling better about yourself because you'll be accomplishing things, and not just wasting your time being overwhelmed.
In your own life I see you have an array of interests, and your no doubt an intelligent person, but you you are a victim.
Now, excuse me for being a little harsh on you.
I feel that you, much like an alcoholic, attach too much of your your sense of accomplishment to a game that will give you nothing in life that really makes a difference to your health and well being. You get a high from playing the role, just like the an alcoholic gets his fix. And because you direct people to become aware of WOW, by linking it in your blog, and because you go into so much detail in a simple blog about the game, it reinforces the notion that you feel strongly attached to it - addicted.
You have become a prisoner to an outlet of entertainment, and because you allow it to consume you, you feel you have to justify it. The creators of that game obviously knew how to keep people attached ... much like the tobacco companies know how to keep people buying their products.
The need to justify your actions is your submission to your addiction.
Don't worry, almost everyone is addicted to something. What you need to ask yourself is, are the rewards from playing WOW really beneficial to your life in the long term? Are there other outlets that you can be addicted to that would achieve greater life goals?
So, I challenge myself, you, and anyone who reads this blog to clean up your priorities. Set some realistic time frame to accomplish each priority until you receive the level of accomplishment that rewards you. Also realize that some priorities will become routine as you get better at managing your life based on success, instead of drudery, and then you will be the happy person you hope to be.
As I was beginning my random journey though peoples lives this evening yours caught my attention However in reading your rant it appears that you have issues. There is some deep anger within or problems that you are unable to deal with. Have you had a recent failure you are trying to cope with or a long standing issue with reality and being alone.
It appears that you are 31 and addicted to a video game. Do you even give yourself time from this world where someone else controls what you do and think. Picture execs sitting back and laughing at all the kids playing the game.
Maybe if you looked at the real world that is out there and realized that you are losing what is around you. Maybe you dont enjoy your job or girlfriend becuase they don't conform to your unrealistic view of reality.
Suck it up man and realize you need to get on with life as an adult. Leaving the video games behind for a world of success. The notion alone that you want to start something on your own is good but why waste your current companies time and money. You cant do both. Quit and start your new life. And leave the world of games and novels behind. Once you have your money made you can write books about success.
I say this becuase I have seen it happen around me. The guy was a control freak and thought less of other people. Once he learned that when you look down from above on everyone else, you begin to learn that everyone else is below you, working toghether as a team, and you are alone on your little peak...
So sit back and look around you. Are any of you gaming buddies rich? successful? Hell do anyone them even have a steady woman? Is this what you want?
Actually Meglo I have. To sum it up, been there done that. Fortunately I realized that I was struggling with the wrong goals in life. If your goals are too many or simple you will never get a feeling of accomplishment from them either. This isnt really about that though from what I read though.
You need to find the root reasons for such feelings. Once you do, and you are happy with life in general, then the smallest of tasks makes you feel good. I found that, and now simply going for a good run, or completing a hard piece of code makes me feel good.
Once you get confidence in your own self and your day to day life everything falls in place...
Maybe your nick in iteself indicates your issues :)
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