Rant - My Girlfriend
Saturday, November 12, 2005
So, Nicole and I play this game where at random times one will ask the other a series of questions meant to interrogate each other's feelings. A typical session may proceed as follows:
"But, do you love me?"
"Of course I do."
"How do you know?"
"Because I think about you even when I'm busy."
"So, how much do you love me?"
"All the way."
One of the unspoken rules says that if answers are repeats, the questions persist. Answering "because I just know" will result in "but HOW do you know?" The only way to stop the interrogation is to come up with 'convincing' original answers.
Today's session went as follows, with me starting the questioning:
"Do you love me?"
"How much?"
"All the world."
"That's not very big. Our planet is just a spec in our galaxy, let alone our universe."
"Oh. So how much do you love me?"
"The entire universe."
"Ok. Well, I'm still working on the planets."
Then she kisses me lovingly and walks away.
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