Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Wish me luck!
Some essays or example code about software development, some short stories I've been writing with my brother, and maybe some complaints every now and then when the world in general needs to be verbally badgered.
Weather: Horrid. Cold and muchly wet.
Music: Sting's 'Songs from the Labyrinth' ... Lute pieces (and only lute) from the 16th century written by John Dowland. It's not for everyone, but there's some fantastic stuff on there. Come Again is one of my favorites.
So a bunch is new in my life. For one, I'm working from home 3 days a week. The office was a bit too noisy and distracting, which my boss agreed with, so he allowed me to code-it-up in the ole basement office tue, wed, and thur. I'm getting considerably more done, and I've learned a lot about disciplining myself. That'll become more important once I leave the company and branch out on my own. *fingers crossed*
Nicole has left DPSI already! We are pleased. She has a new job with ALC (Atlantic Lottery Corp) as a Business Development Manager. Excellent pay, great benefits (better health plan than mine .. I'll be moving over to it soon), and lots of free stuff (company car, laptop, blackberry, camera, hotels, gas, etc.). The second best part: her boss isn't a complete dick like the last place, he's a great guy. The best part: she works from home 3 days a week! Might not always work out to my three days, but some > none. In response, we'll be turning the downstairs office into a two person aclove of accomplishment. Yes, an all out bastion of bullwork; a mecca of mastery even; a palace of productivity; a santuary of success (I kept them alphabetical for your convenience).
I also bought a snow blower. The plow on the front of my quad wasn't quite cutting it, and this year we have two driveways and three vehicles to keep cleared out. It's a Honda of course, me being the hard core brand loyalist that I am. It's a monster too, should clear the driveway in no time: HS1132TC.
Anyone have any Christmas shopping done yet? Hrm? I have two gifts for Nicole, but I can't say what they are cause she reads my rants too eh.
No yew didant gurlfren *snaps fingers, purses lips, and moves head from side to side without moving anything below the neck*
So yeah, I had this nice big blog entry written up with new info about my life, Nicole's exciting new job, two new CDs I started listening to, etc. but Blogger ate it. Gone. Part of the RAM flush on my machine shortly ago when I move from the entry page to the publish page but the publish didn't publish as promised. Disheartening.